Norway is one of the world’s top producers of seafood, both wild caught and farm raised. Norway exports farmed and wild fish to over 150 countries.

Norway fishermen land cod, haddock, pollock, ling, cusk, herring, mackerel, anglerfish, wolffish, Atlantic salmon, arctic charr, trout, capelin, Greenland halibut, plaice, turbot, spiny dogfish, redfish, and others.

Shellfish include deep water prawns, lobsters, brown crabs, red king crabs, oysters, scallops, and mussels.

Norway Fish

Wild Arctic Char
Arctic Char

Norway is famous for two types of Arctic Charr: the anadromous charr (which migrates to the sea), and the non-migratory charr, which lives all its life in fresh water.

Non-migratory Arctic Charr are often darker on the back and sides than anadromous Arctic Charr. The flesh of either variety ranges from pinkish to orange-red in color.

Norwegian Arctic Charr is sold fresh and frozen, whole or in fillets. It can be brine-cured, dry cured, smoked or fermented. Arctic Charr is grilled, fried, or poached and is well-suited to sushi and sashimi.

Greenland halibut is an Arctic fish that is found only in cold ocean areas. The species is similar to Atlantic halibut, but its blind side is a little lighter than its eyed side.

Dogfish are small sharks, popular in several types of cuisines. The meat of dogfish is boneless, white and firm.

Norway Shellfish

cooked blue mussels
Blue Mussels

The European lobster is a large clawed lobster found in Norwegian waters. The European lobster is slightly smaller on average than the American lobster (Homarus americanus) but otherwise very similar. Lobsters are marketed live, cooked, frozen or canned.

Blue mussels are found along the entire coast of Norway, often in vast quantities in coves and fjords. Harvesting wild blue mussels is popular in Norway.

The European or flat oyster is found in Norway, and is the most commercially valuable type of oyster in Europe.

Related Information

Regional Seafood

Fish, Shellfish, and other Seafood